• Gifted to execute with surety and build trust during this time of uncertain business outcomes, a massive shift to digital business with AI, and changing budget priorities

    I'm an enterprise technology executive with a powerful customer-centric global IT career proven in the Fortune 500. 


    My engaging leadership style comes from technology sales and marketing which enhanced a hands-on deeply technical beginning.


    I keep transformations continually aligned with strategic business priorities, even as those might change, that acquire and retain valuable customers and increase profit margins. 

  • Expertise

    From global enterprises to tech startups, I offer...

    Enterprise AI

    Plan for the future, empower the present

    Inspiring People

    Build outstanding teams, secure executive trust and support

    Transforming IT

    Revitalize your digital journey, creative strategies, rewarding partnerships, execute with surety

    Cyber Security

    Protect and become more secure daily

  • Connect With ME

    Please see LinkedIn for more details...



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  • "The network is the computer.

    Everything with a digital or electronic heartbeat will be connected to the Internet.”


    Scott mcnealY, former ceo sun microsystems (late 90’s)

  • Ray of light on technology life

    Thoughts, musings, and reflections on life with technologies.

    The Future Workplace: Identifying a trifecta of vital transformations for the journey. Ray MacDonald -Technology Consultant, May 7, 2021 There are many publications, postings, and consulting firm recommendations about the future of work and how the workplace must at a minimum adopt to it, yet...
    2020年4月30日 · innovation,fightcovid,innovation canada
    Is the Price worth it? Some people wonder if the sudden shutdown of the economy is worth it to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. I’ve seen some celebrity business news folks openly wonder if it was worth the shutdown to “save the older generations”? I have a personal experience: in my family the COVID...
    2020年3月9日 · remote workers,leadership,teams,teamwork,workfromhome
    Ray MacDonald, www.raymacdonald.com, March 9th, 2020 Leading People Remotely: 5 key focus areas for sustainable team performance Leading people working remotely: 5 key focus areas for sustainable team success Many organizations are now required to minimize personal contact to avoid...
  • I passionately deliver the toughest and largest transformational programs by:

    • bringing out the best in people and teams
    • applying my deep knowledge of technology and delivery
    • injecting transformative and lasting change while respecting compliance and governance

    My global experiences include head roles at Arctic Wolf Networks, Oracle, IBM, Sun Microsystems, TD Bank, Sun Life Financial, Marsh, Bell Canada, and Loblaw companies in:

    • client engagements and customer success
    • enterprise architecture & strategic planning
    • IT program delivery and operations

    Volunteer: I enjoy sharing leadership in the broader community helping boards of not-for-profit social and healthcare services to integrate effective business and technology strategies into their much needed services. I also energetically participate in higher-education and mentorship programs.

    Career flow...

    1. Customer Success: protecting customers at the world's fastest growing cyber security company after a client executive role in one of the largest MSPs; my career success includes sales, marketing, and consulting backed by technical architecture and operations.
    2. Leadership in the regulated enterprise: delivered the largest technology and services change programs at TD Bank Group for 7 years including two acquisitions totaling $1B bank investments in credit cards. Earned the 2017 TD Bank overall Project of the Year Award for improving the retail customer store/branch experience!
    3. Global Enterprise visionary: became principal global I.T. architect at Oracle Corporation after leading Americas' technical services teams (a 7.5 year journey that included Oracle's Save $1B)
    4. Chief architect: consolidated I.T. services and operations for MMC's 11 operating companies (including Marsh and Mercer). Fought through recovery from the horrors of 9/11 when we lost 295 people and the global data centre.
    5. Advisor to mentor and execute Adaptive Infrastructure at Bell Canada
    6. Innovator and change agent: transformed all systems and networks including supply chain and front-end retail customer engagements while implementing all-new backend SAP ERP suite at Loblaw Companies.
  • Education and development


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    Master Business Administration

    Executive MBA

    Athabasca University

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    Artificial Intelligence: Business Strategies and Applications

    Executive Development

    UC Berkeley Executive Education

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    Business Marketing


    Sheridan College

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    Executive Development

    Ivey Executive

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    ITIL Certification

    Service Management (ITSM) Certification

    Pink Elephant

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    Managing IT Effectively

    Executive Development

    Ivey Executive (with CIPS)

  • reach out

    I’m available for discussion